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 SD-20 Megatron (UT) Galvatron General

Series: Superlink
Year: 2005
Allegiance: Destron
Class: Command
Function: Emperor of Destruction

Alternate Mode: Airplane/Spacecraft 

Released by Takara

I shall rule the entire universe...that is the future!
Galvatron has acquired enormous power from an ancient force known as Super Energon. The Destron Emperor will achieve his goal by any means, and his might has struck terror even among his own forces, not to mention the Cybertrons. Now the time has come for him to bring the eons-long war with the Cybertrons to an end so that he can become the true ruler of the universe.


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Energon Saber (530)
Energon Saber
Energon Star (531)
Energon Star
Missile (532)
Energon Sword (533)
Energon Sword
Tank Drone (534)
Tank Drone

Other Versions of the Mold:
Botcon Exclusives  Megatron (2008)
Megatron (2008)
Energon  Megatron (2004)
Megatron (2004)
Superlink  Black Galvatron (2004)
Black Galvatron (2004)
Superlink  Galvatron (2004)
Galvatron (2004)


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Last updated: 12/24/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com