
Series: Beast Machines
Year: 2001
Allegiance: Vehicon
Class: Deluxe
Wave: Deluxe Wave 9

Alternate Mode: Military Vehicle 

Tags: Fembots 

Released by Hasbro

No road is rougher than me!
Strika's presence on the battlefiled often turns the tide in favor of the Vehicons. Holds a personal vendetta against all Maximals, especially Blackarachnia. In combat, will lure enemy into rough terrain to give herself the advantage. Equipped with reciprocating laser cannon that shreds anything caught in its field of fire. Can wreak havoc with one sustained blast from her cannon. Alloy-plated armor deflects many types of Maximal ammo. Capable of high speed bursts on any terrain and has amazing endurance in close combat.


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Missiles (1043)

Other Versions of the Mold:
Beast Wars Returns  Strika (2005)
Strika (2005)
Universe  Nemesis Strika (2005)
Nemesis Strika (2005)


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Last updated: 12/07/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &