
Series: Armada
Year: 2002
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Supercon
Wave: Supercon Wave 1

Alternate Mode: Military Vehicle 

Released by Hasbro

As you command.
Demolishor fights ferociously in every battle to which he's sent, regardless of the odds. If Megatron tells him to do something, he does it without hesitation. To Demolishor, a leader must always be obeyed at any cost. Megatron values the unswerving loyalty of his best soldier, but abandons him, when necessary, to save his own life. Demolishor has never resented any of these betrayals. But will there come a day when Demolishor questions the orders of his leader?


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Missile (1370)

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Other Versions of the Mold:
Armada  Demolishor Powerlinx (2003)
Demolishor Powerlinx (2003)
Cybertron  Demolishor (2006)
Demolishor (2006)
Energon  Demolishor (2004)
Demolishor (2004)
Micron Legend  Ironhide (2002)
Ironhide (2002)
Micron Legend  Ironhide Supermode (2003)
Ironhide Supermode (2003)
Superlink  Ironhide (2004)
Ironhide (2004)


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Last updated: 11/08/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &