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 D-08 Blackarachnia (BW) Black Widow

Series: Beast Wars Japan
Year: 1997
Allegiance: Destron
Class: Deluxe

Alternate Mode: Animal: Insect/Spider 

Tags: Fembots 

Released by Takara

Moving like a venomous shadow under a midnight moon, Blackarachnia is an evil temptress posing as a Predacon double agent! Capable of converting thermal energy into poisonous cyber-venom, she lures Maximals into her darkened den and then stuns them by firing a poison-tipped missile! After restraining them in her powerful legs, she then sinks her fangs into their armor to suck their life-force dry.
(Profile of the US-version Blackarachnia)


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Grappling Hook (592)
Grappling Hook
Missile Launcher (593)
Missile Launcher
Spider Leg Missiles (594)
Spider Leg Missiles

Other Versions of the Mold:
Beast Wars  Blackarachnia (1996)
Blackarachnia (1996)
Beast Wars  Tarantulas (1996)
Tarantulas (1996)
Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Tarantulas (2006)
Tarantulas (2006)
Beast Wars Japan  Tarans (1997)
Tarans (1997)
Beast Wars Japan Telemocha Black Widow (2007)
Black Widow (2007)


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Last updated: 12/27/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com