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 X-9 Ravage (G1) Jaguar

Series: Beast Wars Metals
Year: 1999
Allegiance: Destron
Class: Deluxe Transmetal 

Alternate Mode: Animal: Mammal 

Released by Takara


 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Armada  Cheetor (2003)
Cheetor (2003)
Beast Wars  Cheetor (1998)
Cheetor (1998)
Beast Wars  Cheetor Fox Kids (1999)
Cheetor Fox Kids (1999)
Beast Wars Metals  Cheetus (1999)
Cheetus (1999)
Botcon Exclusives  Tigatron (2001)
Tigatron (2001)


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Last updated: 09/06/2020
Picture Copyright: Hasbro / Takara-Tomy