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 D-37  Hardhead

Series: Beast Wars Neo
Year: 1999
Allegiance: Destron
Class: Deluxe

Alternate Mode: Animal: Reptile/Dinosaur 

Released by Takara

A large bump on Hardhead's cranium makes for a strong skull, but as its interior isn't exactly packed with cerebral circuitry, he's not that intelligent. He's a stubborn type who doesn't listen to what people tell him. His Head Attack, a head-bump-first charge is surprisingly destructive. Hardhead also wields a Pilesaber blade, and is an expert in swordplay.


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Team / Set:

Part of the set VS-37 Sharp Edge vs. Hardhead, together with:

Sharp Edge
Sharp Edge


Other Versions of the Mold:
Armada  Grimlock (2003)
Grimlock (2003)
Beast Machines  Dinotron (2000)
Dinotron (2000)
Beast Wars  Dinobot (1996)
Dinobot (1996)
Beast Wars  Dinobot Fox Kids (1999)
Dinobot Fox Kids (1999)
Beast Wars  Grimlock (1997)
Grimlock (1997)
Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Dinobot (2006)
Dinobot (2006)
Beast Wars II  Thrustor (1998)
Thrustor (1998)
Beast Wars Japan  Dinobot (1997)
Dinobot (1997)
Beast Wars Japan Telemocha Dinobot (2007)
Dinobot (2007)


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Last updated: 12/27/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com