
Series: Armada
Year: 2002
Allegiance: Mini-Con
Class: Mini-Con
Wave: Maxcon Wave 1

Alternate Mode: Car 

Released by Hasbro

My destiny is leadership!
Starscream uses his speed and maneuverability as a jet to launch aerial attacks on the Autobots. No one can compete with him when it comes to speed and skill in the air. He slices through the sky, chasing the enemy and even endangering any Decepticon that gets in his way. As the second in commmand, he pretends to be loyal to Megatron, but is always looking for an opportunity to weaken his leader's rule and take control of the Decepticons.


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Other Versions of the Mold:
Armada  Mirage (2002)
Mirage (2002)
Armada  Mirage (2003)
Mirage (2003)
Armada  Zapmaster (2003)
Zapmaster (2003)
Cybertron  Mirage (2006)
Mirage (2006)
Energon  Zapmaster (2004)
Zapmaster (2004)
Micron Legend  Grid (2002)
Grid (2002)
Micron Legend  Indy (2002)
Indy (2002)
Micron Legend  Indy Metallic (2003)
Indy Metallic (2003)
Micron Legend  Indy Road Assault (2003)
Indy Road Assault (2003)
Micron Legend  Indy X-Dimension (2002)
Indy X-Dimension (2002)
Micron Legend  Spark Grid (2003)
Spark Grid (2003)
Micron Legend  Top Gear (2003)
Top Gear (2003)
Universe  Mirage (2004)
Mirage (2004)


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Last updated: 04/11/2016
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com