
Series: Animated
Year: 2008
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Leader
Wave: Leader Wave 1

Alternate Mode: Truck  - Military Vehicle 

Released by Hasbro

It's hard not to like Bulkhead. Despite being huge and strong, he's the kindest, most gentle of the Autobots, and he always has other people's best interests at heart. He's also a klutz. That's why it's so terrifying when the Headmaster takes over his body. Bulkhead regularly engages in wholesale property damage purely by accident. With the Headmaster in charge of his body, will anyone be able to stop the tide of destruction?


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Headmaster Unit (1005)
Headmaster Unit
Missiles (1006)

Other Versions of the Mold:
Animated Japan  Ironhide (2010)
Ironhide (2010)


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Last updated: 11/04/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com