DA-34  Leadfoot

Series: Dark of the Moon Mechtech
Year: 2011
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Deluxe

Alternate Mode: Car 

Released by TakaraTomy

Leadfoot was one of the best drivers on Cybertron. His appetite for speed led him to scan one of Earth's fastest cars for his vehicle mode. His second love? High-powered weaponry! The firepower carried by this Autobot is so great that much of it is left exposed in vehicle mode - a tactic devised to intimidate any Decepticon foolish enough to take him on!

Sold only in Japan


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 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Dark of the Moon Mechtech Leadfoot (2011)
Leadfoot (2011)


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Last updated: 01/11/2024
Picture Copyright: LimeWire & Transformers-Universe.com