Rodimus Minor

Series: Animated
Year: 2010
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Deluxe

Alternate Mode: Car 

Released by Hasbro

Rodimus Minor Prime is one of the most promising young robots ever to graduate from the Academy. His trainers were so impressed with him that he was given command of a small unit right after graduation. During the short time he has commanded his troops, he has molded them into a tight-knit force to be reckoned with. Everyone expects him to one day rise to the rank of Magnus and command Autobot forces across the galaxy.


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Energy Bow (1015)
Energy Bow
Missiles (1016)

Other Versions of the Mold:
Animated Japan  Black Rodimus (2010)
Black Rodimus (2010)
Animated Japan  Rodimus (2010)
Rodimus (2010)
Animated Japan  Rodimus SoC (2010)
Rodimus SoC (2010)
Botcon Exclusives  Breakdown (2011)
Breakdown (2011)
Botcon Exclusives  Sideswipe (2011)
Sideswipe (2011)


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Last updated: 11/05/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &