
Series: Generation 1
Year: 1987
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Headmaster 

Alternate Mode: Helicopter 

Released by Hasbro

War is the playground of the ignorant.
To him, warfare is barbaric, worthy of only the most primitive... thinks differences need to be talked about, which he does endlessly. Uses big words no one else understands. A self-righteous snob. Binary-bonded to Gort, a cheerful, courageous young Nebulan. In helicopter mode, maximum speed: 1200mph; equipped with radioactive jammers, target-indicating radar, magnetic, infra-red, and audio sensors. In robot mode, uses 2 corrosive acid rainmaker rifles.


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Corrosive Acid Rainmaker Rifles (105)
Corrosive Acid Rainmaker Rifles

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Comes with Nebulon Partner(s):



Other Versions of the Mold:
G1 Japan Headmasters Highbrow (1987)
Highbrow (1987)


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Last updated: 10/29/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com