Suchkriterien:Serie: Generation 1568 Ergebnisse gefundenVerfeinere deine Suche: --Faction--AutobotCybertronDecepticonDestronDestrongerMaximalMercenaryMini-ConNeutralSonstiger HeldSonstiger SchurkePredaconQuintessons (QNT)Star SeekerTerranerTerrorconsVehiconWaruder--Series--Adventure (Takara)Age of Extinction (Hasbro)Age of the Primes (Hasbro & Takara)Alternators (Hasbro)Alternity (Takara)Animated (Hasbro)Animated Japan (Takara)APC Toys (Third Party)Armada (Hasbro)Astron (Third Party)Authentics (Hasbro)Autobot Alliance (Takara)Bad Cube (Third Party)Beast Machines (Hasbro)Beast Wars (Hasbro)Beast Wars Again (Takara)Beast Wars II (Takara)Beast Wars Japan (Takara)Beast Wars Metals (Takara)Beast Wars Neo (Takara)Beast Wars Returns (Takara)Binaltech (Takara)Bot Shots (Hasbro)BotBots (Hasbro)Botcon Exclusives (Hasbro)BTS Toys (Third Party)Buzzworthy Bumblebee (Hasbro)Cap Bots (Takara)Car Robots (Takara)Chronicles (Takara)Classics (Hasbro)Cloud (Takara)Collaborative (Hasbro)Combiner Wars (Hasbro)Construct-Bots (Hasbro)CrazyDevy (Third Party)Cybertron (Hasbro)Cyberverse (Hasbro)Dark of the Moon (Hasbro & Takara)Device Label (Takara)Disney Label (Takara)DNA Design (Third Party)Dr. Wu (Third Party)DX9 (Third Party)Earthspark (Hasbro)Energon (Hasbro)Fan Convention Exclusives (Third Party)Fans Hobby (Third Party)Fans Project (Third Party)FansToys (Third Party)G-Shock X Transformers (Takara)G1 Japan (Takara)G1 Reissues (Hasbro & Takara)G2 Japan (Takara)Galaxy Force (Takara)Garatron (Third Party)Generation 1 (Hasbro)Generation 2 (Hasbro)Generation Toy (Third Party)Generations (Hasbro)Generations Japan (Takara)Generations Selects (Hasbro)Headrobots (Third Party)Henkei! Henkei! (Takara)Hero Mashers (Hasbro)Hunt for the Decepticons (Hasbro)iGear (Third Party)Impossible Toys (Third Party)Iron Factory (Third Party)Junkion Blacksmith (Third Party)KFC Toys (Third Party)Kiss Players (Takara)KRE-O (Hasbro)Last Knight (Hasbro)Legacy (Hasbro)Legends (Takara)Lunar Cruiser (Takara)Machine Wars (Hasbro)Magic Square (Third Party)MakeToys (Third Party)Marvel Crossover (Hasbro)Mastermind Creations (Third Party)Masterpiece (Hasbro & Takara)Mech Ideas (Third Party)MegaSCF (Takara)Microblaze Creations (Third Party)Micron Legend (Takara)Missing Link (Takara)Mission GT-R (Takara)Movie (Hasbro & Takara)Movie Advanced (Takara)Movie The Best (Takara)Music Label (Takara)MyClone (Takara)Newage Toys (Third Party)Perfect Effect (Third Party)Planet X (Third Party)Platinum Edition (Hasbro)Power Core Combiners (Hasbro)Power of the Primes (Hasbro)Prime (Hasbro)Prime Arms Micron (Takara)Q-Transformers (Takara)R.E.D. (Hasbro)Reactivate (Hasbro)Renderform (Third Party)Rescue Bots (Hasbro)Rescue Bots Academy (Hasbro)Reveal the Shield (Hasbro)Revenge of the Fallen (Hasbro & Takara)Revoltech (Takara)Rise of the Beasts (Hasbro)Robot Masters (Takara)Robots in Disguise (Hasbro)Robots in Disguise 2.0 (Hasbro)Shattered Glass (Hasbro)Shockwave Lab (Third Party)Spark Toys (Third Party)Sports Label (Takara)Star Wars Crossover (Hasbro)Streetfighter II X Transformers (Takara)Studio Series (Hasbro & Takara)Superlink (Takara)SXS Toys (Third Party)TFC Toys (Third Party)Titanium (Hasbro)Titans Return (Hasbro)Toyworld (Third Party)TransArt (Third Party)Transform & Rollout (Third Party)Transform Element (Third Party)Transformers Bumblebee (Hasbro)Transformers Collectors Club (Hasbro)Transformers Go! (Takara)Transformers One (Hasbro)Tribute (Hasbro)Unique Toys (Third Party)Unite Warriors (Takara)United (Takara)Universal Studios (Hasbro)Universe (Hasbro)Universe 2.0 (Hasbro)War for Cybertron Trilogy (Hasbro)War for Cybertron: Earthrise (Hasbro & Takara)War for Cybertron: Kingdom (Hasbro & Takara)War for Cybertron: Siege (Hasbro & Takara)Warbotron (Third Party)Wei Jiang (Third Party)World's Smallest Transformers (Takara)X-Transbots (Third Party)XOverGen (Third Party)Zeta Toys (Third Party) --SubCat-- - Age of Extinction - Generations Collector SeriesAge of Extinction - Robots in DisguiseBeast Wars - 10th AnniversaryBeast Wars Japan - TelemochaBinaltech - AsteriskCollaborative - Back to the FutureCollaborative - Frankenstein X TransformersCollaborative - Ghostbusters X TransformersCollaborative - GI Joe X TransformersCollaborative - Jurassic Park X TransformersCollaborative - Knight Rider X TransformersCollaborative - My Little PonyCollaborative - Sonic the Hedgehog X TransformersCollaborative - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles X TransformersCollaborative - Top Gun X TransformersConstruct-Bots - Age of ExtinctionConstruct-Bots - Beast HuntersCyberverse - Battle for CybertronCyberverse - Bumblebee Cyberverse AdventuresCyberverse - Power of the SparkDark of the Moon - CyberverseDark of the Moon - MechtechDark of the Moon - Robo PowerDark of the Moon - Scan SeriesDX9 - War in PocketG1 Japan - Battlestars: Return of ConvoyG1 Japan - HeadmastersG1 Japan - MasterforceG1 Japan - Operation: CombinationG1 Japan - Super Robot Lifeform TransformersG1 Japan - Transformers 2010G1 Japan - VictoryG1 Japan - ZoneG1 Reissues - Commemorative SeriesG1 Reissues - EncoreG1 Reissues - MicromastersG1 Reissues - Transformers CollectionGeneration 1 - ClassicGenerations - Comic EditionGenerations - Cyber BattalionGenerations - Fall of CybertronGenerations - GDOGenerations - Retro HeadmastersGenerations - Thrilling 30Henkei! Henkei! - Gentei! Gentei!KRE-O - Age of ExtinctionKRE-O - Beast HuntersKRE-O - Micro ChangersKRE-O - Quest for EnergonLast Knight - Mission to CybertronLast Knight - Premier EditionLegacy - EvolutionLegacy - UnitedLegacy - Velocitron Speedia 500Legacy - Wreck´n´RuleLegends - Commander CollectionMarvel Crossover - IM2 Concept SeriesMarvel Crossover - Mech MachinesMastermind Creations - Knight MorpherMastermind Creations - Ocular MaxMastermind Creations - ReformattedMasterpiece - Hasbro EditionMasterpiece - Movie SeriesMovie - AllSpark PowerPlatinum Edition - Age of ExtinctionPrime - 10th AnniversaryPrime - Beast HuntersPrime - CyberversePrime - Dark EnergonPrime - First EditionPrime - Robots in DisguiseRescue Bots - EnergizeRescue Bots - Rescan SeriesRevenge of the Fallen - NEST Global AllianceRise of the Beasts - Beast AllianceRobots in Disguise 2.0 - Clash of the TransformersRobots in Disguise 2.0 - Combiner ForceStudio Series - 86Studio Series - Gamer EditionWar for Cybertron Trilogy - Netflix SeriesWar for Cybertron: Kingdom - Golden Disk Collection--Class--Action SetCombinerCommanderCoreDeluxe (Supercon/Combat)Human AllianceLeader (Super/Weaponizer)Legends (Spychanger/Legion)Mini-ConScout (Basic/Commander)TitanTitan Heroes (12-inch)Titan Heroes / Guardians (16-inch)Ultimate (Supreme)Ultra (Gigacon/Command)Upgrade SetVoyager (Mega/Maxcon)Warrior --Gimmick--1-Step Changer--> Mega 1-Step Turbo Changer--> 1-Step Turbo Charger3-Step Changer5-Step ChangerAction AttackerAction Master--> Action Master EliteActivatorActivator CombinerAerialbotAllspark TechAlpha Assortment (7-Inch)AquaspeederArmorizerAutobot CarAutobot HeroAutorollerAxxeleratorBattle Call--> Battle Call Officer Class--> Battle Call Trooper ClassBattle ChangerBattle ChargerBattle MasterBattle Upgrade FigureBeast CombinerBeast RiderBeast WeaponizerBlendtronBrainmasterBravo Assortment (5-Inch)BreastforceBuild-a-FigureBumper BattlerBurger King ToyCassetteCityCity CommanderCity DroneCloneColor ChangerCombat HeroCombaticonCommunicatorConstructiconCrash CombinerCyber SlammerCyber StomperCyberbeastCyberjetCybertron DefenseDecepticon JetDeluxe VehicleDeployerDino SparkersDinobotDinobot RiderDouble SpyDuoconEnergon Ingniters--> Energon Igniters Speed Series--> Energon Igniters Power Series--> Energon Igniters Power Plus Series--> Energon Igniters Nitro SeriesFast Action BattlerFireconFlip & ChangeFlip Racers--> Flip Racers LauncherFossilizerFuzorGo-BotGodmasterGravity BotHeadmaster--> Headmaster Junior--> Small HeadmasterHeroHorrorconIlluminatorInsecticon--> Deluxe InsecticonJetronJumpstarterKeychainKnight Armor Turbo ChargerKreonLasercycleLaserrodLeaderLightformerMarvel CombinerMerchandiseMicromaster--> Micromaster Base--> Micromaster TransportMini DinoMinibotMinibot RacerModulatorMonsterbotMotorvatorMultiforceMutantNebulonObliteratorOmnibotOmniconPartner DronePower BattlersPower BotPower HeroPowered MasterPowerlinx CombinerPowermasterPredaconPredatorPremiumPretender--> Pretender Vehicles--> Pretender Classics--> Ultra Pretender--> Mega Pretender--> Pretender MonsterPrime ChangersPrime MasterProtectobotReal GearRescue RigRobo FighterRobot HeroRobot ReplicaRole-Play ToyRotor-ForceScreen BattlesSeaconSixchangerSkyscorcherSmash ChangerSpark Armor--> Spark Armor Elite Class--> Spark Armor Battle ClassSparkabotStormtrooperStunticonSuper Assortment (20-Inch)SuperchargersTacticonTargetmaster--> Double TargetmasterTechnobotTerrorconThrottlebotTiny TinsTiny Turbo ChargerTitan ChangerTitan MasterTrainbotTrakkonTrans-ScanningTransmetalTransmetal 2Triggerbot/-conTriple ChangerTurbomasterWeaponizer--Altmode--Alltagsgegenstand/WerkzeugAutoBaufahrzeugFlugzeug/RaumschiffHelikopterKopfLKWMilitärfahrzeugMotorradRoboter/Mensch (nicht-verwandelnd)Science Fiction FahrzeugSonstigeStadt/Basis/PlanetTier: Insekt/SpinneTier: Monster/FabelwesenTier: Reptil/DinosaurierTier: SäugetierTier: VogelTier: WassertierWaffeWasserfahrzeugZug --Character--Airazor (BW)Arcee (G1)Blackarachnia (BW)Blitzwing (G1)Bulkhead (Aligned)Bumblebee (Aligned)Bumblebee (Animated)Bumblebee (G1)Bumblebee (Movie)Cheetor (BW)Cyclonus (G1)Dinobot (BW)Dirge (G1)Divebomb (G1)Flywheels (G1)Fortress Maximus (G1)Gears (G1)Grimlock (G1)Headstrong (G1)Hot Rod / Rodimus (G1)Hot Shot (UT)Hound (G1)Huffer (G1)Hun-Grrr (G1)Ironhide (G1)Ironhide (Movie)Jazz (G1)Jetfire (G1)Jetfire (UT)Kup (G1)Lio Convoy (BW)Megatron (BW)Megatron (G1)Megatron (Movie)Megatron (UT)Metalhawk (G1)Mirage (G1)Omega Supreme (G1)Optimus Primal (BW)Optimus Prime (Aligned)Optimus Prime (Animated)Optimus Prime (G1)Optimus Prime (Movie)Optimus Prime (RID)Optimus Prime (UT)Overlord (G1)Powerglide (G1)Predaking (G1)Prowl (Animated)Rampage (G1)Ratchet (G1)Rattrap (BW)Ravage (G1)Razorclaw (G1)Rhinox (BW)Rippersnapper (G1)Seaspray (G1)Sideburn (RID)Sideswipe (G1)Silverbolt (BW)Soundwave (G1)Springer (G1)Star Saber (G1)Starscream (G1)Starscream (UT)Sunstreaker (G1)Tantrum (G1)Thunderclash (G1)Tigatron (BW)Trailbreaker (G1)Ultra Magnus (Aligned)Ultra Magnus (G1)Waspinator (BW)Wheeljack (G1)--Tag--Black RepaintShell-FormerGold Plastic SyndromWelcome to Transformers 2010Prime WarsFembotsWar for / Fall of CybertronCombiner Torso (CW)Combiner Limb (CW)Shattered Glass35th AnniversaryIDW DesignCyberkey: Giant PlanetCyberkey: Earth PlanetCyberkey: Speed PlanetCyberkey: Jungle PlanetDiaclone ColorsJunkions
Bild Seite Figur Links Afterburner (1987)Technobot Aimless (1987)Nebulon Air Raid (1986)Aerialbot ClassicAir Raid (1990) Airwave (1989)Micromaster Base Apeface (1987)Triple Changer Headmaster Horrorcon Aquablast (1993)Stormtrooper Aquafend (1993)Aquaspeeder Arcana (1987)Nebulon Astrotrain (1985)Triple Changer ClassicAstrotrain (1991)Triple Changer Axer (1990)Action Master Backstreet (1988)Triggerbot/-con Banzai-Tron (1990)Action Master Barrage (1985)Insecticon Barrage (1990)Micromaster Barricade (1990)Micromaster Battletrap (1987)Duocon Beachcomber (1985)Minibot Beastbox (1988)Cassette Big Daddy (1990)Micromaster Big Hauler (1990)Micromaster Big Shot (1989)Micromaster Birdbrain (1989)Pretender Monster Blackjack (1989)Micromaster Blackout (1990)Micromaster Base Blades (1986)Protectobot ClassicBlades (1991) Blast Master (1990)Micromaster Blast Off (1986)Combaticon ClassicBlast Off (1991) Blaster (1985)Communicator Blaster (1990)Action Master Blaze Master (1990)Micromaster Blitzwing (1985)Triple Changer Blot (1987)Terrorcon Blowpipe (1987)Nebulon Bludgeon (1989)Pretender Bluestreak (1984)Autobot Car Blurr (1986)Autobot Car Blurr (1987)Targetmaster Bomb-Burst (1988)Pretender Bombshell (1985)Insecticon Bombshell (1991)Action Master Bombshock (1990)Micromaster Bonecrusher (1985)Constructicon Bonecrusher (1992) Boomer (1988)Nebulon Boss (1992)Turbomaster Brainstorm (1987)Headmaster Brawl (1986)Combaticon ClassicBrawl (1991) Brawn (1984)Minibot Breakdown (1986)Stunticon ClassicBreakdown (1990) Brisko (1988)Nebulon Bristleback (1989)Pretender Monster Broadside (1986)Triple Changer Brunt (1986)City Drone Bugly (1988)Pretender Bumblebee (1984)Minibot Bumblebee (1989)Pretender Classics Bumblebee (1990)Action Master Buzzsaw (1984)Cassette Calcar (1993)Trakkon Caliburst (1987)Nebulon Camshaft (1985)Omnibot Mail-Order Exclusive Carnivac (1988)Pretender Catilla (1988)Pretender Cement-Head (1990)Micromaster Transport Cerebros (1987)Headmaster Chainclaw (1988)Pretender Charger (1991)Action Master Chase (1987)Throttlebot ClassicChase (1991)Throttlebot Chop Shop (1985)Insecticon Chromedome (1987)Headmaster Cindersaur (1988)Firecon Circuit (1991)Action Master Clench (1993)Obliterator Cliffjumper (1984)Minibot Cloudburst (1988)Pretender Cloudraker (1987)Clone Cog (1987)City Drone Cosmos (1985)Minibot Countdown (1989)Micromaster Base Crankcase (1988)Triggerbot/-con Crossblades (1989)Mega Pretender Crosshairs (1987)Targetmaster Crumble (1990)Micromaster Cutthroat (1987)Terrorcon Cyclonus (1986)Decepticon Jet Cyclonus (1987)Targetmaster Darkwing (1988)Powermaster Dead End (1986)Stunticon ClassicDead End (1990) Deftwing (1993)Lightformer Deluge (1993)Aquaspeeder Detour (1989)Micromaster Devastator (1990)Action Master 568 Ergebnisse gefundenSeite: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6-- Zurück zur Suchmaske ---- Zurück zur Hauptseite --