
Series: Beast Wars II
Year: 1998
Allegiance: Destron
Class: Basic

Alternate Mode: Airplane/Spacecraft 

Released by Takara

Despite having the personality of a comedy duo's goofy gag man, Thrust is actually the shrewdest of the Destrons. He and his buddy Dirge form a well-known combo. Like Dirge, he can store his weapon (Thrust Gun) in his legs or increase its power by converting it to long-barreled form. Thrust hates sea breezes, as they rust him, and so hates Scuba as well.


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Laser Gun (690)
Laser Gun

Team / Set:

Member of the Dirge & Thrust, together with:



Other Versions of the Mold:
Machine Wars  Megaplex (1997)
Megaplex (1997)
Machine Wars  Megatron (1997)
Megatron (1997)
Robot Masters  Air Hunter (2004)
Air Hunter (2004)
Robots in Disguise  Wind Sheer (2001)
Wind Sheer (2001)


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Last updated: 04/29/2017
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &