
Series: Alternators
Year: 2004
Allegiance: Decepticon

Alternate Mode: Car 

Released by Hasbro

Make deals, not war.
One of the first group of evil Binaltech warriors revived through the "Bad Product" incident, in which the Decepticons hijacked the BT Project. A specialist in illegal transactions and weapons manufacturing, he was the perpetrator who developed a customized form of Cosmic Rust as a tactical weapon, creating the very cause for the BT Project that now cared for so many Autobots. Outwardly good-natured and easygoing, he is in fact an extremely greedy and self-centered opportunist, and originally had his name put at the top of the BT-conversion list in complete disregard of far more critical casualties.
(Tech Spec by Hirofumi Ichikawa, translation by Doug Dlin)


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 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Alternators  Hound (2004)
Hound (2004)
Alternators  Rollbar (2006)
Rollbar (2006)
Binaltech  Hound (2004)
Hound (2004)
Binaltech  Swindle (2004)
Swindle (2004)


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Last updated: 12/25/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com