
Series: Movie
Year: 2007
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Scout
Wave: Scout Wave 2

Alternate Mode: Military Vehicle 

Released by Hasbro

Strongarm would rather work than fight, just like his friend Signal Flare. He is an electronics and physics genius who builds weapons and other gear for the Autobots. Good natured and friendly, he always has a joke for any situation, and keeps up a constant stream of conversation while he works, either with other robots in the room, or with his voice-activated computer. He may not charge into battle all that often, but as the guy who keeps their gear in good order, he's seen as invaluable by the other Autobots.


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 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Botcon Exclusives  Fallback (2005)
Fallback (2005)
Energon  Strongarm (2003)
Strongarm (2003)
Energon  Strongarm Energon (2004)
Strongarm Energon (2004)
Movie AllSpark Power Crosshairs (2008)
Crosshairs (2008)
Superlink  Blastarm (2003)
Blastarm (2003)
Universe  Strongarm (2005)
Strongarm (2005)


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Last updated: 01/22/2014