Bumblebee (Animated) Bumblebee

Series: Animated
Year: 2008
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Deluxe
Wave: Deluxe Wave 1

Alternate Mode: Car 

Released by Hasbro

Enough talk! It's time for action.
The youngest on the crew, Bumblebee is what some - especially Autobot Ratchet - would call over-eager. It's not his fault he prefers action over talk. Talk ist just, you know, boring. Especially when you could be racing at top speed into a fight, or boosting into the air to launch a few well-placed energy stingers at an enemy. Nothing scares Bumblebee, not even Megatron.


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Rocket Boosters (1197)
Rocket Boosters

Other Versions of the Mold:
Animated  Bumblebee Elite Guard (2008)
Bumblebee Elite Guard (2008)
Animated  Waspinator Fugitive (2010)
Waspinator Fugitive (2010)
Animated Japan  Bumblebee (2010)
Bumblebee (2010)
Animated Japan  Bumblebee Elite Guard (2010)
Bumblebee Elite Guard (2010)


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Last updated: 11/04/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com