
Series: Cybertron
Year: 2005
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Mini-Con
Wave: Scout Wave 2

Alternate Mode: Car 

Released by Hasbro

Jolt - the leader of the team, and the only one able to speak a human language - is a great lover of human culture, addicted to television, music, and the internet. On more than one occasion he has caused difficulty for the Autobots by forgetting he is not a human being. Six-Speed and Reverb, though sometimes frustrated by their leader's tendency to become distracted by cartoons and web-comics, love the excitement of missions with their human partners, working as a fast response strike and rescue team on away missions on the Lost Planets.


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Team / Set:

Member of the Recon Team, together with:



Other Versions of the Mold:
Cybertron  Six-Speed Shadow (2006)
Six-Speed Shadow (2006)
Galaxy Force  Blit (2005)
Blit (2005)
Galaxy Force  Element (2005)
Element (2005)
Galaxy Force  Socket (2005)
Socket (2005)
Generations  Brake-Neck (2010)
Brake-Neck (2010)
Revenge of the Fallen  Guardian Speed (2009)
Guardian Speed (2009)


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Last updated: 09/19/2022
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &