
Series: Generation 1
Year: 1986
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Triple Changer 

Alternate Mode: Car  - Helicopter 

Released by Hasbro

When the smoke clears, I've cleared out.
Always takes death-defying risks. Anything less than dangerous is boring to him. In battle, gets close enough to count the bolts in Decepticon armour plates. As helicopter and buggy, he's adept at using rotos and exhaust to whip up blinding clouds of dust and sand. Extremely maneuverable. Carries sandblaster gun that shoots streams of silicate particles that can erode anything.


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 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
G1 Japan Transformers 2010 Sandstorm (1986)
Sandstorm (1986)
Generation 1 Classic Sandstorm (1991)
Sandstorm (1991)


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Last updated: 12/27/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &