Air Hammer

Series: Beast Wars
Year: 1998
Allegiance: Maximal
Class: Basic Fuzor 
Wave: Basic Fuzors Wave 1
Function: Aerial Reconnaisance

Alternate Mode: Animal: Bird 

Released by Hasbro

If Air Hammer possesses one attribute, it is mind-boggling speed - add that to his scanned characteristics and it equals the perfect reconnaissance warrior. His aerodynamic structure helps Air Hammer to be equally dexterous in water as in air. He sees with the eyesight of a hawk and has the ability to sniff out a Predacon from miles away. Well liked by his fellow Maximals, Air Hammer is a robot of few words, preferring to save his razor-sharp jaw for locking onto the limbs of enemy Predacons.


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Last updated: 11/09/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &