
Series: Beast Wars II
Year: 1998
Allegiance: Cybertron
Class: Mega

Alternate Mode: Animal: Mammal 

Released by Takara

Apache is a cool, composed authority figure, but he's also shown a lightly eccentric side since he began transforming into a mandrill, snarling when upset. Recently, he and the suddenly cautious Lio Convoy have locked horns over the execution of operations. His entire body is a mass of weapons, and his "Mode 3" fortress mode's fusillades are powerful indeed. He also enjoys heavy metal music.


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Missile Launcher (513)
Missile Launcher
Missiles (516)

Other Versions of the Mold:
Beast Wars  B´Boom (1997)
B´Boom (1997)


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Last updated: 10/23/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com