Ironhide (Movie) Ironhide

Series: Hunt for the Decepticons
Year: 2010
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Deluxe

Alternate Mode: Car 

Released by Hasbro

Ironhide is always looking for a challenge, which is why he volunteered to hunt Hailstorm solo. The two used to be in some of the same weapons clubs back on Cybertron, so Ironhide knows exactly how dangerous the Decepticon weapons specialist is. He's looking forward to the chance to test his new weaponry out against a guy with as much firepower as Hailstorm.


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- Rocket Turret

Other Versions of the Mold:
Autobot Alliance  Ironhide (2010)
Ironhide (2010)
Dark of the Moon Scan Series Ironhide (2011)
Ironhide (2011)
Movie The Best  Ironhide (2017)
Ironhide (2017)


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Last updated: 01/27/2024
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &