
Series: Revenge of the Fallen
Year: 2009
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Deluxe

Alternate Mode: Airplane/Spacecraft  - Animal: Mammal 

Released by Hasbro & Takara

Bulleting down through the atmosphere at better than 15 times the speed of sound, Ravage considers the data he has already amassed on the small, soft creatures that inhabit this planet. They seem weak and fragile, yet they are the ones that destroyed Megatron. That is a fact he will keep in mind as he penetrates their most sensitive installation. Against such an unpredictable enemy, stealth will be his watchword.


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Other Versions of the Mold:
Hunt for the Decepticons  Ravage (2010)
Ravage (2010)
Hunt for the Decepticons  Sea Attack Ravage (2010)
Sea Attack Ravage (2010)
Revenge of the Fallen NEST Global Alliance Recon Ravage (2010)
Recon Ravage (2010)


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Last updated: 04/24/2018