
Series: Animated
Year: 2008
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Mini-Con

Alternate Mode: Animal: Bird 

Released by Hasbro

You ain't heard nothin' yet!
Soundwave has only been around for a little while, but he knows that if there's one thing he loves, it's noise! Sound is like clay that he sculpts to his purpose. The more noise there is around him, the more elaborate he can get in how he uses it. He can imitate voices, make humans fall asleep, and even take control of simple robots with sound. He hopes the Autobots are ready, because he's about to rock them harder than they've ever been rocked before.
* Sonic attacks can fry circuitry.
* Sonic shielding can deflect attacks.
* Laserbeak can acoustically hack any computer.


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Other Versions of the Mold:
Animated Japan  Laserbeak (2010)
Laserbeak (2010)
Generations  Laserbeak (2014)
Laserbeak (2014)


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Last updated: 02/15/2016
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &