
Series: Universe 2.0
Year: 2008
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Deluxe

Alternate Mode: Airplane/Spacecraft 

Released by Hasbro

Crashed to the ground and tangled in a mess of thick, steel cables, Springer struggles to reach his weapon before the Decepticons find him. Unfortunately for him, though, Ratbat saw just where he crashed. Suddenly, the ground shakes violently, freeing Springer and knocking Ratbat to the ground. When they both regain their feet, the odds are suddenly even. The two robots have a tense standoff, even as a larger battle rages around them.


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 Still to come 

Team / Set:

Part of the set Standoff Beneath the Streets, together with:



Other Versions of the Mold:
Botcon Exclusives  Scourge (2009)
Scourge (2009)
Botcon Exclusives  Sweep 2 (2009)
Sweep 2 (2009)
Botcon Exclusives  Sweep 6 (2009)
Sweep 6 (2009)
Botcon Exclusives  Sweep 7 (2009)
Sweep 7 (2009)
Cybertron  Sideways (2005)
Sideways (2005)
Galaxy Force  Noisemaze (2005)
Noisemaze (2005)
Galaxy Force  Noisemaze Mass Production Type (2006)
Noisemaze Mass Production Type (2006)


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Last updated: 01/02/2024
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com