
Series: Universe 2.0
Year: 2008
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Voyager
Wave: Voyager Wave 2

Alternate Mode: Helicopter 

Released by Hasbro

Autobot Blades carries powerful wire-guided missiles and a photon laser that can bore a hole through Decepticon armor at 200 yards, but he rarely uses either. He considers ranged combat to be unfair, which is funny because up close he's just about the dirtiest fighter there is. He'll use his rotors to kick dust and debris into his opponent's optics, then kick the poor guy right in the exhaust port, and keep on kicking him when he falls down. It's not that Autobot Blades likes to fight; it's just that he really, really likes to win.


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 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Botcon Exclusives  Galvatron (2011)
Galvatron (2011)
Cybertron  Evac (2006)
Evac (2006)
Galaxy Force  Life Convoy (2006)
Life Convoy (2006)
Universe 2.0  Springer (2008)
Springer (2008)


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Last updated: 10/26/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &