
Series: G1 Reissues Commemorative Series
Year: 2002
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Autobot Car 

Alternate Mode: Car 

Released by Hasbro

I never met a Decepticon I didn't dislike.
Silverstreak is not the 'typical' Autobot. Always on overdrive, he is an incessant talker whose endless banter and sharp humor can lighten tense situations. Memory of his home-city's destruction by the Decepticons causes him to hate war. Long distance bombing capability of up to 8.3 miles; lightning-like 80,000 volt beam travels up to 12 miles with limited accuracy. Armed with formidable weapons and incendiary speed, but sometimes impeded by distaste for combat.


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 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
G1 Japan Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Prowl (1985)
Prowl (1985)
G1 Japan Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Smokescreen (1985)
Smokescreen (1985)
G1 Japan Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Streak (1985)
Streak (1985)
G1 Reissues  Bluestreak Chrome (2002)
Bluestreak Chrome (2002)
G1 Reissues Commemorative Series Prowl (2003)
Prowl (2003)
G1 Reissues Commemorative Series Smokescreen (2003)
Smokescreen (2003)
G1 Reissues Transformers Collection Prowl (2002)
Prowl (2002)
G1 Reissues Transformers Collection Smokescreen (2002)
Smokescreen (2002)
Generation 1  Bluestreak (1984)
Bluestreak (1984)
Generation 1  Prowl (1984)
Prowl (1984)
Generation 1  Smokescreen (1985)
Smokescreen (1985)
Generation 1 Classic Prowl (1990)
Prowl (1990)


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Last updated: 12/27/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &