Megatron (Movie) Megatron

Series: Revenge of the Fallen
Year: 2009
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Voyager

Alternate Mode: Military Vehicle  - Science Fiction Vehicle 

Released by Hasbro & Takara

Trapped in the dark, crushing depths of the sea, his mind inert in the grip of stasis lock, Megatron knew nothing of the desperate search mounted for his remains by the other Decepticons. When he was finally brought back online, their effort and sacrifice meant little to him. The only thing that had any meaning was revenge. He would have his vengeance against the human boy who cheated him of his prize, and he swore to celebrate over the smoking wreck of Optimus Prime.


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 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Movie The Best  Megatron (2017)
Megatron (2017)


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Last updated: 01/12/2024
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &