
Series: Beast Wars Neo
Year: 1999
Allegiance: Destron
Class: Deluxe
Function: Destron Staff Officer

Alternate Mode: Animal: Reptile/Dinosaur 

Released by Takara

Magmatron's right-hand man, Guiledart is a supporter of reason and can construct various operations as a tactician. The Thunder Horn blast he releases from his horns can heavily damage an enemy, while his tail can become a Tail Shooter, which fires powerful missiles. The ambitious type, he is watching for his chance to advance in the ranks.


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 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Age of Extinction Generations Collector Series Slug (2014)
Slug (2014)
Armada  Triceradon (2003)
Triceradon (2003)
Beast Machines  Triceradon (2000)
Triceradon (2000)
Beast Wars Neo  Killer Punch (1999)
Killer Punch (1999)
Universe  Dinobot Triceradon (2004)
Dinobot Triceradon (2004)


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Last updated: 12/27/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &