
Series: Generation 1
Year: 1992
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Predator 

Alternate Mode: Airplane/Spacecraft 

Tags: Gold Plastic Syndrom 

Released by Hasbro

Break them, crush them -- grind them to dust!
Pathological hatred of anything and anyone that is not 100% evil. A wicked genius, wholly dedicated to laying waste all in his path. Utterly cold, calculating and rational. Even his all consuming loathing of the Autobots is clinical in its vicious single-mindedness. Locks together with Predator planes to maximize astounding supersight capabilities. Interaction also gives him instant ultra-communication with the minds of his forces. As bomber, attacks with dreadful 15 missile power. As robot, strikes terror with handheld missile weaponry.


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 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Machine Wars  Starscream (1997)
Starscream (1997)
Universe  King Atlas (2004)
King Atlas (2004)


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Last updated: 12/29/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &