
Series: Animated
Year: 2009
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Voyager
Wave: Voyager Wave 6

Alternate Mode: Truck 

Tags: Shell-Former  - Junkions 

Released by Hasbro

Anything I can do to help?
Wreck-Gar means well. All he really wants to do is help folks in need. Unfortunately, he's a terrible judge of character, and happily helps anyone who asks without thinking about what he's doing. He has accidentally robbed a few banks and blasted an Autobot here and there. His Spark is in the right place anyway. Now that he's clear on the difference between the Autobots and the Decepticons, misunderstandings like this should happen less often.


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Energy Blades (1295)
Energy Blades

Other Versions of the Mold:
Animated Japan  Wreck-Gar (2010)
Wreck-Gar (2010)


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Last updated: 11/04/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com